Friday, October 23, 2015

Doug Takes a Shower and a Night of Caffeine

On the night Doug took a shower he had an unruly amount of energy I compare this to my night at the football game because my friends and I had decided to walk to Wasatch Bagels to get coffee. I ended up getting the most delicious black and white mocha, which is a shot of espresso, chocolate, white chocolate, and steamed milk. It ended up being a wonderful thick and powerful master piece. I drank the whole thing on the way to the football game.What this resulted in was a me talking at full speed and spitting out things that don't normally come out of my mouth. I stayed awake and ran around for hours. I giggled and laughed and froze my butt off. I even spilled hot chocolate all over my white sweater. Which I then profusely scrubbed with hot water in the bathroom. Then so I wouldn't have to carry my wet sweater all night I hid it behind a bush in the corner of the field. I then went home and bonked on the couch. I don't even know what caffeine does to the brain. I say this because this it is what happened the night my sister put Doug in the shower.

Although I don't know why the hot water sparked Doug a burst of I do know that energy bursts are common in Bichon mixes. Alike adrenaline and citrus that causes bursts of energy in people, random moments can spark energy in small dogs. So after being shampooed and scrubbed clean he was set loose in my parents bedroom. To my surprise, he was nearly half of his normal size. I guess his fur is almost as poofy as my hair. He then began to run around the bed grunting, barking, and growling. After he decided to dig for nearly half an hour in the same place. Then he ran back and forth over and over again. Until finally he fell over and fell asleep right there. Just like us he gains energy and loses it. He's hungry and then he eats until he's hungry again. It's a cycle. A cycle that happens to every one in a different way. We inhale then we exhale, and then we repeat. And although Doug's repetitive gain and lose of energy is much funnier than most, it's still the same. By the way, Doug on caffeine would be very bad. It's best to keep him away from caffeine for as long as possible and rely on showers to give him his burst of energy.

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